Thursday, October 9, 2008


Why do I feel pain and disappointment when my dreams and aspirations are crushed? Why do I feel hurt deep within just because of the words or looks of others? Why do I feel as if my heart is crushed and bleeding through my chest, yet no one seems to see me when I walk through a crowd? Are they ignoring the pain they see in my face because it makes them uncomfortable, or do they simply not see me? Why do my tears beg to be released, when they will change NOTHING?
I believe God created us with the capacity to feel because not feeling anything at all, is far worse than feeling the hurt that comes from the lives we lead. Pain is what lets us know that something is going wrong. In fact, a lot of the hurt we feel is brought on by our own selfish actions. What people don't realize about God is that when He made rules for us to live by, they weren't to keep us from having fun, they were to keep us from the hurt that always follows our stupid decisions.
Have you ever heard the saying, "I'd rather have loved and lost, than to have never loved at all"? Well, I would rather feel the pain of an anguishing heart, than to have never felt at all.


mythoughts said...

WOW! that is very true. I really am glad I can feel pain because it may seem awful at the time, but later ou will learn from it and look back at all the times God has brought ou through and be amazed what a wonder God we really do have!

emu said...

You'r right! I'm glad that God gave us the capacity to feel things. Even though we feel pain, if we couldn't feel that we wouldn't feel love either!! What a bummer that would be!